RHS Garden Harlow Carr Exhibition

Exhibition coming up in June 2016

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I'm looking forward to exhibiting my work in The Bath House, within RHS Garden Harlow Carr, Harrogate as part of ‘Just Makers’ with Shirley VauvelleCorinne Young and Steph Mitchell

The exhibition will be based on plants and nature and will run during June 2016. It is really worth seeing this fantastic collection of top quality work from my artist friends. The exhibition will include some of my floral work. Look out for Blue Bowl with flowers.

Emma George
Great North Art Show
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Exhibition coming up in September 2016

The Great North Art Show is taking place from the 3rd to 25th of September. Ripon Cathedral will be home once more to this exciting and varied exhibition. The collection I have entered includes some of my best new work and illustrates how my earlier and more recent painting styles have come together resulting in hybrid contemporary paintings of Yorkshire landscapes. The selection process is still underway so watch this space...

Emma George
Mono printing...

...at Quacks!

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Recently I have been getting very excited by mono printing and fish and birds. Also being let loose in the comp room at Quacks is a delight. Having the run of all the old wooden letter blocks.

My life as an artist goes through weird phases. If anyone asked me what are you working on I would say mono prints of fish and birds, hand printing of letters, a four foot painting of birds which is too big to get in my car so I am figuring out who owns a van in the village to get the piece to the framers. All the other paintings are in my head and sketchbook and there is never enough time because there are all those other life things that have to be done.

My husband has persuaded me to go sailing for two weeks in October. I will be prepared. I am taking acrylic paint paper which means I can paint at sea. Hopefully they will be something other than blue I am going to record the entire trip visually. A painting a day. This is a challenge because usually all I can see is blue sea and blue sky. I cant believe I am going away when I have three Christmas exhibitions to prepare for. This is down to the persuasive powers of a man. Therefore EVERYTHING must be prepared and at the framers for next week and Mailchimp newsletter out.

Emma George