Inspiration - March 2021


“Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working” Pablo Picasso

Pink Mountain

Nearly into April and everything is just on the brink of bursting out and so are we. I feel like a mole, emerging, blinking into the light after being in a very dark tunnel for a long time. We are all longing to regain some 'normality'.

I took an extra studio just before Lockdown which meant I was able to 'travel to work'.  This helped me psychologically a great deal, to separate myself from home and domesticity and work in a completely neutral space. When I closed the door it was just me and the paints and sketches made last summer in the Lake District. I travelled to the Lake District in my mind; climbed the mountains and stood before the white houses and winding paths.

Lakeland House

To be creative is a gift in times like these.  But creativity requires certain conditions in which to thrive and flow. It is always precarious and sometime illusive, as is its sister, inspiration.  Like a gift or passion that can vanish as suddenly as it appears.  I read recently a quote from Picasso which I found so true and inspiring. He said that 'inspiration does exist but it must find you working.' This sums up the situation for all artists. You must work, even when you don't want to. When your heart is heavy and your feet like clay and you feel dead inside you must go into that room and work. Only then can the magic happen.

Little House - Big Tree

A fellow artist said to me a long time ago,  “Everything you do when you are not in your studio contributes to your art.” This is one of those statements that made a lasting impression. It is your time in history; your politics, your country and your environment that you are putting into your art. The walks you go on, the talks you have and the love you make. For that we need other people. How I miss them. Inspiration needs a party and I look forward to them being legal. A party of four would be fine.  Bring it on, lest we forget the meaning of joy.

 “Inspiration does exist, but it needs other people.”

- Lesley Seeger


Penny Smurthwaite