
starting a new body of work 1.jpg

Transition - A Bahamas in North Yorkshire

Here I am sitting in transition. My current collection has gone to new homes, galleries and interior designers and I am slowly preparing to begin a new body of work.  Boards have been cut; paint ordered, studio tidied (a bit) but what will the work be about and with what will it connect?  Will it be sombre or joyous, abstract or figurative? In which ways will it be fresh, exciting and new? What will be the ideas behind it and will  I navigate brand new territory?

Spring is no problem for me creatively as I leap into life and cant stop painting. As a sun worshipper, the end of  summer makes me sad and disorientated.  The leaving of the light, the drop in temperature, the apparent dying of all things; until I start to open myself to the particular charm and beauty of Autumn.

It is necessary to dig deeper in the Autumn and Winter for me as I find myself shrinking inwards away from gloom and cold.  The migrating birds always make me envious as they seem to have the right idea and know what is to come.  But for now, when the light is bright and low, I see this season has charms of its own, as the leaves begin to turn and the structure in trees and bushes emerges.  I realise this new very different beauty and palette.

The rain falls softly outside and the sky is grey and as I long for heat and bright sun, I remember this is the time of year when I paint my abstract florals, bringing extra colour and warmth into my paintings. A sort of Bahamas in North Yorkshire. Conversely, it is the time when my landscapes reveal their bones in lines and  dark earth colours.

Watch out for the Autumn/Winter collection with its tendency towards stark contrasts of Baroque and minimalism.

Cambridge Contemporary Art Gallery

I can’t believe we are in October already. I’m so pleased my cancelled exhibition for May was re-scheduled for September. The show was a great success with paintings travelling to new homes around the country and all the way to America.

Painting Courses

Painting courses at Helmsley Walled Garden were also able to go ahead. We were so lucky every time with the weather. More courses are scheduled now for 2021 and there is a new landscape course taking place in October. To book onto this or any of the 2021 courses, see my courses page.